Testosterone Replacement


Testosterone helps regulate many physical factors that impact mood, energy, sex drive, and it can protect heart health. Testosterone level peaks at age 20 in healthy men. Experts estimate that 1 in 4 men suffer from low T.

What is
Andropause ?

Andropause is also known as male menopause. It results from a reduction in men’s testosterone levels due to aging.

What is
Hypogonadism ?

Hypogonadism is testosterone deficiency due to a failure of the testes ortesticular dysfunction that impairs testosterone production.

Myths and Truth
of TRT



Low T only affects my sexual performance

Low T can cause decreased energy levels, limit the ability to build, and maintain muscle, memory loss and depression

Only older men over 55 experience

 low T

Men of all ages can experience low T levels

Testosterone replacement therapy can cause aggression

Testosterone therapy can decrease irritability, aggression, and anxiety

Testosterone therapy causes adverse cardiac events

There is significant evidence that testosterone is cardiac protective andoptimal level can decrease risk for cardiovascular disease.



Low T only affects my sexual performance

Low T can cause decreased energy levels, limit the ability to build and maintain muscle, memory loss, and depression

Only older men over 55 experience low T

Men of all ages can experience low T levels

Testosterone replacement therapy can cause aggression

Testosterone therapy can decrease irritability, aggression, and anxiety

Testosterone therapy causes adverse cardiac events

There is significant evidence that testosterone is cardiac protective, and an optimal level can decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Low Testosterone?
Take This Quiz

If you answer Yes to number 1 or 7 or if you answer Yes to more than 3 questions, You May Have Low T.

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